জেনে নিন অস্ট্রেলিয়ার দর্শনীয় স্থানগুলো সম্পর্কে

প্রশান্ত মহাসাগরভারত মহাসাগরের মাঝখানে পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে বড় দ্বীপরাষ্ট্র ও দ্বীপমহাদেশ অস্ট্রেলিয়া অবস্থিত। এই দেশটিতে প্রচুর দর্শনীয় স্থান আছে। দৃষ্টি নন্দন আধুনিক ভাস্কর্য ও সুউচ্চ অট্টালিকা, উন্মুক্ত সমুদ্র সৈকত, আদিবাসী মানুষের প্রথাগত জীবনধারার প্রকাশ ইত্যাদি এমন অনেক কিছুই আছে যার কারণে ভ্রমণ পিপাসু মানুষের আগ্রহের কেন্দ্রবিন্দুতে থাকে অস্ট্রেলিয়া। দ্য ইকোনমিস্ট প্রতিবছর বিশ্বের বাসযোগ্য শহরের তালিকা প্রকাশ করে থাকে, সেই তালিকায় অস্ট্রেলিয়ার চারটি শহর সেরা দশের মধ্যে আছে। আসুন তাহলে জেনে নিই অস্ট্রেলিয়ার সবচেয়ে সেরা স্থানগুলো সম্পর্কে।

১। সিডনি
সিডনি শহরটি অস্ট্রেলিয়ার দক্ষিণ-পূর্ব উপকূলে অবস্থিত। এটি নিউ সাউথ ওয়েলসের রাজধানী এবং একটি আধুনিক শহর, যার আছে লম্বা ইতিহাস। এই অঞ্চলের প্রথম অধিবাসীরা হাজার হাজার বছর পূর্বে এই উপকূলে বাস করতো। ১৭৮০ সালে দণ্ডপ্রাপ্ত আসামিদের পাঠানো হত এই উপকূলে। বর্তমানে ফেরীতে করে সমুদ্র ভ্রমণের জন্য দর্শনার্থীদের ঘোরানো হয় সিডনি হারবার ব্রিজ এবং আইকনিক সিডনি অপেরা হাউজ।

২। গ্রেট বেরিয়ার রিফ
অস্ট্রেলিয়ার উপকূলীয় শহর কুইন্সল্যান্ডের কোরাল সাগরে পৃথিবীর সর্ব বৃহৎ প্রবাল প্রাচীর গ্রেট ব্যারিয়ার রিফ অবস্থিত। যা ২,৯০০টির বেশি প্রবাল প্রাচীর এবং শত শত দ্বীপ নিয়ে গঠিত। লক্ষ লক্ষ বছর ধরে লক্ষ লক্ষ জীবন্ত প্রাণী একত্র হয়ে বিশাল প্রবাল প্রাচীর গঠিত হয়েছে যা পৃথিবীর সবচাইতে বিচিত্র বাস্তুতন্ত্রের একটি এবং অস্ট্রেলিয়ার দর্শনীয় স্থানগুলোর অন্যতম।

৩। অ্যালিস স্প্রিংস
অ্যালিস স্প্রিংস অস্ট্রেলিয়ার মাঝামাঝি অবস্থিত এবং কাছাকাছি শহর থেকে ১৫০০ কিলোমিটার দূরে অবস্থিত। অ্যালিস স্প্রিংসে গুহা, গিরিসঙ্কট, সীমানাহীন মরুভূমি এবং আদিবাসী সম্প্রদায়ের দেখা মিলে। এখানে অনেক জনবিরল ও দর্শনীয় স্থান আছে এবং পর্বত আরোহণের সুযোগ আছে যেমন- উলুরো/আয়ারস পর্বত, কাটা টিজুটা ও কিং ক্যানিয়ন। আশির দশকে পর্যটকের আনাগোনা বেশি হওয়ার ফলে এখানকার জনসংখ্যা ২৮০০০ এ উন্নিত হয়।

৩। কেয়ার্ন্স(Cairns)
গ্রীষ্মমণ্ডলীয় জলবায়ু, স্বাচ্ছন্দ্যকর আবহাওয়া এবং গ্রেট ব্যারিয়ার রিফ থেকে মোটামুটি কাছে হওয়ায় Cairns অস্ট্রেলিয়ার সবচেয়ে জনপ্রিয় অবকাশ যাপনস্থল যা অস্ট্রেলিয়ার উত্তরপূর্ব কোণে অবস্থিত। Cairns প্রাদেশিক হলেও স্টাইলিশ শহর, এর জনসংখ্যা ১৫০,০০০। পর্যটকদের জন্য চমৎকার উপকূলীয় পরিবেশ এবং বিচিত্র বন্যপ্রাণীর দেখা মিলে এখানে।

৪। মেলবোর্ন
ভিক্টোরিয়া রাজ্যের রাজধানী এবং অস্ট্রেলিয়ার দ্বিতীয় বৃহত্তম জনবহুল শহর হচ্ছে মেলবোর্ন যা অস্ট্রেলিয়ার দক্ষিণ পূর্বে অবস্থিত। মেলবোর্ন শহর পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে বাসযোগ্য শহর। মেলবোর্ন অস্ট্রেলিয়ার সাংস্কৃতিক রাজধানী ও গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বন্দর। এই শহরের শপিং সেন্টার, রেস্টুরেন্ট, স্পোর্টস ভেনু সব কিছুই পরিকল্পিত ভাবে করা হয়েছে। ভ্রমণ বিলাসী মানুষের জন্য মেলবোর্ন আদর্শ স্থান।

৫। ক্যানবেরা
অস্ট্রেলিয়ার রাজধানী হচ্ছে ক্যানবেরা। সব দেশের এম্বেসি কিংবা হাইকমিশন এখানে অবস্থিত। ক্যানবেরায় ক্যাঙ্গারু দেখা নিয়ে জনপ্রিয় লেখক ও শাহজালাল বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় এর অধ্যাপক মুহাম্মদ জাফর ইকবাল এর কিছু উক্তি স্মরণ করা যায়। তিনি বলেছেন- “আমেরিকা গেলে মানুষ যেমন নায়াগ্রা ফলস না দেখে ফিরে না তেমনি অস্ট্রেলিয়ায় গেলে ক্যাঙ্গারু না দেখে ফিরে না”। তিনি আরো বলেন-“সেখানে (ক্যানবেরা) পথের দুইপাশে অসংখ্য ক্যাঙ্গারু। ক্যাঙ্গারুর চলাফেরা খুব মজার, তাদের মত লেজে ভর দিয়ে জোড়া পায়ে লাফিয়ে আর কোন প্রাণী ছুটতে পারেনা। তার চেয়েও মজার হচ্ছে, মায়ের পেটের থলেতে ক্যাঙ্গারুর বাচ্চার বসে থাকা। বাচ্চা গুলোকে দেখে মনে হয়, পৃথিবীতে বুঝি এর থেকে আরামের কোন জায়গা নেই”।

এছাড়াও অস্ট্রেলিয়ার অ্যাডিলেড, পার্থ, ব্রিসবেন, ডারউইন, হোবারট এই শহর গুলোতেও ঘুরার অনেক জায়গা আছে।

Fair & Festivals of Bangladesh

Fairs and festivals have always played a significant role in the life of the citizens of this country. They derive from them a great amount of joy, entertainment and color for life. While most of the festivals have sprung from religious rituals, the fairs have their roots in the very heart of the people, irrespective of religion, caste or creed.

Pahela Baishakh
The advent of Bengali New Year is gaily observed throughout the country. The Day (mid-April) is a public holiday. Most colorful daylong gatherings along with arrangement of cultural program and traditional Panta at Ramna Park, is a special feature of Pahela Baishakh. Tournaments, boat races etc. are held in cities and villages amidst great jubilation. Many fairs are held in Dhaka and other towns and villages.

Independence Day
March 26 is the day of Independence of Bangladesh. It is the biggest state festival. This day is most befittingly observed and the capital wears a festive look. It is a public holiday. The citizens of Dhaka wake up early in the morning with the booming of guns heralding the day. Citizens including government leaders and sociopolitical organizations and freedom fighters place floral wreaths at the National Martyrs Monument at Savar. Bangla Academy, Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy and other socio-cultural organizations hold cultural functions. At night the main public buildings are tastefully illuminated to give the capital city a dazzling look. Similar functions are arranged in other parts of the country.

21st Feb, the National Mourning Day and World Mother Language Day
21 February is observed throughout the country to pay respect and homage to the sacred souls of the martyrs' of Language Movement of 1952. Blood was shed on this day at the Central Shahid Minar (near Dhaka Medical College Hospital) area to establish Bangla as a state language of the then Pakistan. All subsequent movements including struggle for independence owe their origin to the historic language movement. The Shahid Minar (martyrs monument) is the symbol of sacrifice for Bangla, the mother tongue. The day is closed holiday. Mourning procedure begin in Dhaka at midnight with the song Amar vaier raktay rangano ekushay February (21st February, the day stained with my brothers' blood). Nationals pay homage to the martyrs by placing flora wreaths at the Shahid Minar. Very recently the day has been declared World Mother Language Day by UNESCO.

Eid-e-Miladunnabi is the birth and death day of Prophet Muhammad (s). He was born and died the same day on 12th Rabiul Awal (Lunar Month). The day is national holiday, national flag is flown atop public and private houses and special food is served in orphanages, hospitals and jails. At night important public buildings are illuminated and milad mahfils are held.

The biggest Muslim festival observed throughout the world. This is held on the day following the Ramadan or the month of fasting. In Dhaka big congregations are held at the National Eidgah and many mosques.

Second biggest festival of the Muslims. It is held marking the Hajj in Mecca on the 10th Zilhaj, the lunar month. Eid congregations are held throughout the country. Animals are sacrificed in reminiscence of Hazrat Ibrahim's (AM) preparedness for the supreme sacrifice of his beloved son to Allah. It is a public holiday.

Muharram procession is a ceremonial mournful procession of Muslim community. A large procession is brought out from the Hussaini Dalan Imambara on 10th Muharram in memory of the tragic martyrdom of Imam Hussain (RA) on this day at Karbala in Iraq. Same observations are made elsewhere in the country.

Durga Puja
Durga Puja, the biggest festival of the Hindu community continues for ten days, the last three days being culmination with the idol immersed in rivers. In Dhaka the big celebrations are held at Dhakeswari Temple, where a fair is also held and at the Ram Krishna Mission.

Christmas, popularly called "Bara Din (Big Day)", is celebrated with pomp in Dhaka and elsewhere in the country. Several day-long large gatherings are held at St. Mary's Cathedral at Ramna, Portuguese Church at Tejgaon, Church of Bangladesh (Protestant) on Johnson Road and Bangladesh Baptist Sangha at Sadarghat Dhaka. Functions include illumination of churches, decorating Christmas tree and other Christian festivities.

Rabindra & Nazrul Jayanti
Birth anniversary of the noble laureate Rabindranath Tagore on 25th Baishakh (May) and that of the National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam on 11th Jaystha (May) are observed throughout the country. Their death anniversaries are also marked in the same way. Big gatherings and song sessions organized by socio-cultural organizations are salient features of the observance of the days.

Tagore is the writer of our national anthem while National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam is famous as Rebel Poet.

Langalbandh Mela:
At a place near Sonargaon (about 27 km. from Dhaka) a very attractive festival observed by the Hindu Community every year on the last day of Chaittra (last Bengali month) - mid April, when the devotees take religious bath in the river.

There are various other festivals that are habitually observed by Bangalees all the year round.

Bangladesh : Barishal Division

Barisal division is in the south west part of Bangladesh, has an area of 13297 sq. km and a population of 8.11 million. There are 6 districts and 22 municipalities under Barisal. It is a revering area. Barishal is a Division of rivers and canals. It is also famous for gardens of coconut trees. You will find thousands of coconut trees throughout Barishal Division. Kuakata is the main tourist spot in the division. In Barishal town you can visit Durga Sagor - a beautiful Dighi where lot of guest birds comes every winter season. This is also a beautiful park where you can spend your leisure time by roaming around the park and watching the birds.

Main Tourist Spots in Barishal Division :

:: Kuakata

Kuakata, locally known as Sagar Kannya (Daughter of the Sea) is a rare scenic beauty spot on the southernmost tip of Bangladesh. Kuakata in Latachapli union under Kalapara Police Station of Patuakhali district is about 30 km in length and 6 km in breadth. It is 70 km from Patuakhali district headquarters and 320 km from Dhaka.

[Kuakata Seabeach]
At Kuakata excellent combination of the picturesque natural beauty, sandy beach, blue sky, huge expanse of water of the Bay and evergreen forest in really eye-catching. From its seashore you can watch both sunrise and sunset. The coconut trees increase the scenic beauty of this seashore.

The main tourist season is in winter but all over the year tourists visit this place. In Kuaka you can visit the life style of tribe Rakhains, who are very friendly to the tourist and visitors.
You can visit Buddhist Temple where you can see the statue of Goutom Buddha and two wells of 200 years old. Local name of the well is Kua and Kata is a local name of digging a well; so was the name Kuakata. Fisherman village is another place where you can visit and watch the lifestyle of the Fisherman.

[Rakhain Girl at Kuakata]

If you are adventurous you may also go for fishing on the fishing boat if you can manage the local fishermen. That will give you pleasure and experience, which you won’t be able to gather from anywhere else. In the fishermen village you will find the fishermen coming back from the fishing and you can purchase some fresh Hilsha fish from them, and by the side of village there are some local restaurants from where you can get the Hilshas cooked and ready for eating. You will remember the wonderful taste of the fresh Hilshas of Kuakata for a long time. From Kuakata you can visit to a part of the great Sundarban forest, which is called Gangamoti Reserve Forest. Don’t forget to visit Fatra’s Chor another tourist place nearby Kuakata.

Kuakata is one of the rarest places, which has the unique beauty of offering the full view of the rising and setting of crimson sun in the water of the Bay of Bengal in a calm environment. That perhaps makes Kuakata one of the world's unique beaches. The long and wide beach at Kuakata has a typical natural setting. This sandy beach has gentle slopes into the Bay of Bengal and bathing there is as pleasant as is walking or diving.

[Sunrise at Kuakata]

Kuakata is truly a virgin beach-a sanctuary for migratory winter birds, a series of coconut trees, sandy beach of blue Bay, a feast for the eye. Forest, boats plying in the Bay of Bengal with colorful sails, fishing, towering cliffs, surfing waves everything here touches every visitor's heart. The unique customs and costumes of the 'Rakhyne' tribal families and Buddhist Temple of about hundred years old indicate the ancient tradition and cultural heritage, which are objects of great pleasure Kuakata is the place of pilgrimage of the Hindus and Buddhist communities. Innumerable devotees arrive here at the festival of 'Rush Purnima' and 'Maghi Purnima'.

On these two days they take holy bath and traditional fairs are held here. All these additional offers to panoramic beauty make the beach more attractive to the visitors. One should visit Kuakata and discover the lovely grace of Bangladesh.

Means of Communication: There exists road communication between Dhaka and Patuakhali district headquarters. Accessible by road, water or air transport up to Barisal. Then one may travel by road or water to Kuakata or Patuakhali. From Dhaka you can go to Patuakhali by bus & from there by microbus to Kuakata. It is advisable to go Patuakhali by launch, which is an overnight journey, and you can enjoy the unique beauty of Bangladesh Rivers at nighttime during this journey. Instead of Potuakhali you can go to Khepupara by launch, which is also an overnight journey and from Khepupara you can go to Kuakata by microbus. A direct BRTC bus service is also available from Dhaka to Kuakata that leaves from Sayedabad Bus terminal at night takes 12 hours to reach Kuakata. But it might be a hectic bus journey as a number of ferries are there on the way to Kuakata by road. BRTC has introduced direct bus service from Dhaka to Kuakata via Barisal.

Where to stay: There are some hotel and motels in Kuakata where you can stay, but Holiday Homes is the best place to stay in Kuakata. It is a motel of Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation and its better if you confirm your booking from Dhaka in advance.

:: Horinghata

Horinghata is a place where you can see deer roaming around. In Horinghata forest sometimes the Royal Bengal Tiger is seen. Horin is a Bengali word for deer. So name itself express why it's called Horinghata. You can go to Horinghata from Borguna District.

Bangladesh : Rajshahi Division

Rajshahi division is in the northern part of Bangladesh has an area of 34513 sq. km and a population of 29.99 million. There are 16 districts and 57 municipalities under Rajshahi. It is famous for archeological and historical sites.

Rajshahi City:

Rajshahi town is situated besides the river Padma. In monsoon the great Padma is in full spate with its tides and waves whereas in winter it dwindles and you will feel the desert by the side of river. Rajshahi Division is famous for archeological and historical places like Mohastnangor, Paharpur Buddhist Monastery, Kantajee’s Temple, Ramshagar Dighi, Choto Sona Masjid, and Shopnopuri etc. You can visit Rajshahi University. It’s a very well planed University and you can visit The Shahid Smriti Sangraha Shala in the University, you can see the documents and photography’s from the language movement of 1952 to the liberation was 1972. You can also visit Borendra Research Museum. There you will find the ancient elements of Paharpur, Mohasthangar and Mohenjodaro.

Main Tourist Spots in Rajshahi Division:

Mahasthangarh - Paharpur Buddhist Monastery - Kantajee's Temple - Ramshagor Dighi - Shopnopuri - Choto Sona Mosque - Varendra Research Museum - Puthia

Bangladesh : Sylhet Division

Sylhet division occupies the north east part of Bangladesh, has an area of 12596 sq. km and a population of 7.899 million. There are 4 districts and 14 municipalities under Barisal. It is a natural hilly, forest area with ox bow lakes and famous shrines.

Sylhet City:

Nestled in the picturesque Surma Valley amidst scenic tea plantations and lush green tropical forests, greater Sylhet is a prime attraction for all tourists visiting Bangladesh. Laying between the Khasia and the Jaintia hills on the north, and the Tripura hills on the south, Sylhet breaks the monotony of the flatness of this land by a multitude of terraced tea gardens, rolling countryside and the exotic flora and fauna. Here the thick tropical forests abound with many species of wildlife, spread their aroma around the typical hearth and homes of the Mainpuri Tribal maidens famous for their dance.

The Sylhet valley is formed by a beautiful, winding pair of rivers named the Surma and the Kushiara both of which are fed by innumerable hill streams from the north and the south. The valley has good number of haors, which are big natural depressions. During winter these haors are vast stretches of green land, but in the rainy season they turn into turbulent seas.

These haors provide a sanctuary to the millions of migratory birds who fly from Siberia across the Himalayas to avoid the severe cold there. Sylhet has also a very interesting and rich hilstory, Before the conquest by the Muslims, it was ruled by local chieftains. In 1303, the great Saint Hazrat Shah Jalal came to Sylhet from Delhi with a band of 360 disciples to preach Islam and defeated the then Raja Gour Gobinda.

Sylhet thus became a district of saints, shrines and daring but virile people. Its rich potentialities became easily attractive and the 18th century Englishmen made their fortune in tea plantation. About 80 km. from Sylhet town connected by road and rail, Srimangal, which is known as the tea capital of Bangladesh, is the actual tea center of the area.
For miles and miles around, the visitor can see the teagardens spread like a green carpet over the plain land or on the sloping hills. A visit to the tea plantation in Sylhet is a memorable experience. Sylhet, the tea granary of Bangladesh, not only has over 150 tea gardens but also proudly possesses three largest tea gardens in the world in both area and production.

[Sylhet - Tea Garden]

Sylhet is the land of Shrine’s, natural Hills, forests, beautiful tree plantations and lots of Haors. It is an old city with full of natural beauties. A large number of tourists come every year to visit Sylhet. The main attraction of Sylhet city is the Shrine of Hajrat Shahjalal(R) and Hajrat Shah Poran (R). Shrine of Hajrat Shahjalal (R) is on the top of a hillock (tilla) in Sylhet city. Thousands of visitors are coming everyday in this Shrine. Shrine of Hajrat Shah Paran (R) is eight km far from Sylhet town on the Sylhet-Jaflong road where also thousands of visitors visits this Shrine everyday. Road journey to Sylhet is an wonderful experience through roads running ups and down the hills and green lush tea gardens of nature at its best.

Main Tourist Spots in Sylhet Division :

The Shrine of Hazrat ShahJalal - Sri Chaitannya Dev Temple - Shahi Eidgah - Gour Gobinda Fort - Jaflong - Tamabil - Sripur - Jointapur's Rajbari - Srimongol - Madhabkunda Waterfall - Lawacherra Rain Forest - Handicrafts of Sylhet - Manipuri Dance

Bangladesh : Sundarban and Khulna Division

Khulna division is in the southwest part of Bangladesh has an area of 22274 sq. km and a population of 14.47 million. There are 10 districts and 28 municipalities under Khulna. It has the world's biggest mangrove forest, the Sundarbans. In Khulna town you can visit Khulna Museum and Zoo.

Main tourist spots in Khulna division:

:: Sundarbans

Sundarban is the world biggest mangrove forest. In Bangladesh tourism, Sunderban plays the most vital role. A large number of foreigners come to Bangladesh every year only to visit this unique mangrove forest. Besides, local tourists also go to visit Sundarban every year. The area of great Sundarban is approximately 6000 sq. km.

General Information about Sudarbans:

AREA: Nearly 2400 sq. miles or 6000 sq. km.

FOREST LIMITS: North-Bagerhat, Khulna and Sathkira districts : South-Bay of Bengal; East-Baleswar (or Haringhata) river, Perojpur, Barisal district, and West-Raimangal and Hariabhanga rivers which partially form Bangladesh boundary with West Bengal in India.

MAIN ATTRACTIONS: Wildlife photography including photography of the famous Royal Bengal Tiger, wildlife viewing, boating inside the forest will call recordings, nature study, meeting fishermen, wood-cutters and honey-collectors, peace and tranquility in the wilderness, seeing the world's largest mangrove forest and the revering beauty.

[Dears at Sundarban]

The Sundarbans are the largest littoral mangrove belt in the world, stretching 80km (50mi) into the Bangladeshi hinterland from the coast. The forests aren't just mangrove swamps though; they include some of the last remaining stands of the mighty jungles, which once covered the Gangetic plain.

The Sundarbans cover an area of 38,500 sq km, of which about one-third is covered in water.

Since 1966 the Sunderbans have been a wildlife sanctuary, and it is estimated that there are now 400 Royal Bengal tigers and about 30,000 spotted deer in the area.

Sundarbans is home to many different species of birds, mammals, insects, reptiles and fishes. Over 120 species of fish and over 260 species of birds

[Sundarban - Royal Bengal Tigar ]

have been recorded in the Sundarbans. The Gangetic River Dolphin (Platanista gangeticus) is common in the rivers. No less than 50 species of reptiles and eight species of amphibians are known to occur. The Sundarbans now support the only population of the Estuarine, or Salt-Water Crocodile (Crocodiles paresis) in Bangladesh, and that population is estimated at less than two hundred individuals

Here land and water meet in many novel fashions, Wildlife presents many a spectacle. No wonder, you may come across a Royal Bengal Tiger swimming across the streams or the crocodiles basking on the riverbanks.

[Wild Monkyes at Sundarban]

With the approach of the evening herds of deer make for the darking glades where boisterous monkeys shower Keora leaves from above for sumptuous meal for the former. For the botanist, the lover of nature, the poet and the painter this land provides a variety of wonder for which they all crave.

Sundarban's beauty lies in its unique natural surrounding. Thousands of meandering streams, creeks, rivers and estuaries have enhanced its charm. Sundarbans meaning beautiful forest is the natural habitat of the world famous Royal Bengal Tiger, spotted deer, crocodiles, jungle fowl, wild boar, lizards, theses monkey and an innumerable variety of beautiful birds. Migratory flock of Siberian ducks flying over thousands of sail boats loaded with timber, golpatta (round-leaf), fuel wood, honey, shell and fish further add to the serene natural beauty of the Sundarbans.
This is indeed a land for the sportsmen, the anglers and the photographers with its abundance of game, big and small, crocodile, wild boar, deer, pythons, wild-birds and above all the Royal Bengal Tiger, cunning, ruthless and yet majestic and graceful, For the less adventurously inclined, there are ducks and snipes,

[Wild Orchid Garden at Kotka, Sundarban]

herons and coots, yellow-lags and sandpipers. It is also the land for the holiday makers who desire to rest or wander around at will to refresh their mind and feast their eyes with the rich treasure that nature has so fondly bestowed.

Means of Communication: Water transport is the only means of communication for visiting the Sundarbans from Khulna or Mongla Port. Private motor launch, speedboats, country boats as well as mechanized vessel of Mongla Port Authority might be hired for the purpose. From Dhaka visitors may travel by air, road or rocket steamer to Khulna - the gateway to the Sundarbans. You can start journey from Dhaka to Khulna by road or by river. The quickest mode is by air from Dhaka to Jessore and then to Khulna by road.

Journey time: It varies depending on tides against or in favor in the river. Usually it takes 6 to 10 hours journey by motor vessel from Mongla to Hiron Point or Katka.

FAMOUS SPOTS: The main tourist spots in Sundarban are Karamjol, Katka, Kochikhali, Hiron point and Mandarbaria. Hiron Point (Nilkamal) for tiger, deer, monkey, crocodiles, birds and natural beauty. Katka for deer, tiger, crocodiles, varieties of birds and monkey, morning and evening symphony of wild fowls. Vast expanse of grassy meadows running from Katka to Kachikhali (Tiger Point) provides opportunities for wild tracking.
Tin Kona Island for tiger and deer.

:: Dublar Char (Island) for fishermen. It is a beautiful island where herds of spotted deer are often seen to graze.

:: Katka

Katka is one of Heritage sites in Sunderban. In Katka there is a wooden watching tower of 40 ft. high from where you can enjoy the scenic beauty of Sundarban. A beautiful sea beach is there is Katka; you will enjoy while you are walking to go the beach from the watching tower. Verities birds are visible in Katka.

[Sunset at Sundarban]

:: Hiran point

This is another tourist spot in Sunderban. It is called the world heritage state. You can enjoy the beauty of wild nature and dotted dears walking and running in Hiron point.

There are also two other Heritage side in Sunderban; one is Kochikhali and the other is Mandarbaria where you will find dears and birds. If you are lucky you can see the Great Royal Bengal Tiger, but for sure you can at least see the stepping of Great Royal Bengal Tiger here and there in these spots.

:: Karamjol

Karamjol is a forest station for the Rangers. Here you can see a dear breeding center. To visit Sunderban you need to go there with a guide and it is even better if you go there with a group. You can stay two/three days in Sunderban depending on your desire and requirements. One-day tour is not enough for Sundarban as you will not be able to see the nature in haste. For one-day tour you can go up to Karamjol and at a glance visit the outer portion of Sunderban forest areas.

[Fishing at Sundarban]

In your Sunderban tour you will be able to see a lots of verities birds (a heaven for the bird watchers), can watch the fishing in the river by the fishermen, if you wish you can ask your tour operator to give a stopover in the fishermen villages to watch their lifestyle, see lots of animals like monkeys, various types Dears, foxes,

Crocodiles, Snakes and if you are lucky person you will be able to see the greatest mystery of Sunderban –The Royal Bengal Tiger. Sunderban is one of main sources to collect pure honey. You should not forget to buy some pure honey. Another inexpressible and unforgettable beauty you can enjoy if you can match your timing of tour in full moon. In the full moon the nights in Sunderban could be one of the most memorable nights for your whole life.

Other necessary Information about Sundarban Tour:

Entry Permission: Prior permission must be obtained through written application from the Divisional Forest Office, Circuit House Road, Khulna (Phone 20665, 211731) to visit the Sundarbans. Required entrance fees for visitors, vessel or boat payable at the relevant forest station/range office.

Fee for Commercial Photography:

Movie Tk. 5,000.00 per role exposed
Video Tk. 4,000.00 per Cassette
Still Tk. 1,000.00 per role exposed

Guided Tours: To feel the beauty of Sunderban you will have to go inside Sunderban & visit at least the most common tourist spots of Sunderban, specially the four-heritage side of Katka, Hiron point, Mandarbaria & Kachikhali. It will require minimum two nights stay in Sunderban to visit these spots and if you are in a group you can ask your tour operator to make it three, four or five night tour package as per your desire ness to invent the real beauty of Sunderban in your Package tour program. In Sunderban visit, all the way you will have to go by tourist launch and spend your night also in the launch as no hotel or motel facilities are available there inside of Sunderban. In this tour your foods and water will be supplied from the tourist launch only. So to visit the great Sundarban you will have to decide in advance how many days you want to spent in Sunderban – accordingly your tour operator will arrange and preserve year foods and water. Tour operators offers all-inclusive guided package fours from Dhaka to Sundarbans and return during the tourist season (October to March).

Climate: Climate in the Sundarbans is moderate. Air is humid. Full monsoon is from June to September. The annual rainfall average between 65" and 70". During ebb tide the forest becomes bare by 6-7 feet and at high tide (30 miles and hour) the entire territory of the forest floats on water.

Life in Forest: Only means of transportation inside the forest is boat. There is no road, no trail of a path anywhere. The woodcutters make temporary dwellings at the edge of the forest at a height of 8-10 feet for fear of wild animals others live on boats. In the chandpai region it is fascinating to see the nomadic fishermen (living with families on boats) catching fish with the help of trained offers. Exciting activities take place in Dublar Char in the forest where fishermen from Chittagong gather for four months (mid Oct. to mid Feb.) to catch and dry fish. But the most daring and exciting of all activities is presented by the honey-collectors who work in groups for just two months (April-May) and it is interesting to see how they locate a hive and then collect honey.

Flora and Fauna: The Sundarbans is endowed by nature with rich flora and fauna. It is a wonderful place to see or to shoot a Royal Bengal Tiger with Camera if one has the time to wait in the forest. There are a good number of tigers in the Sundarbans. Lovely spotted deer are easy to find. Besides there are a wide variety of wildlife for which the Sundarbans is so famous.

Visit to the Forest: Permission from the Division Forest Officer, Khulna is required to visit to the forest. Cholera vaccine is to be taken well in advance. Anti-malarial, anti-diarrhoeal, insect repellent cream, drinking water, green coconuts, medical kit, light tropical dress, thick rubber soled boots etc. are to be carried with the tourist. It will be wise to take the help of an experienced guide to make the journey fruitful.

Tourist season & Shooting: Best time to visit the Sundarbans is from November to March. Exciting honey collection season is during April-May. Hunting is prohibited by law in the country for the preservation of wildlife. Certain species of birds, however, can be shot with prior permission of the Divisional Forest Officer, Khulna.

Bangladesh : Chittagong Division

Chittagong Division is located at southern part of the country has an area of 33771 sq. km and a population of 23.99. It has 11 districts and 38 municipalities.

Chittagong is the biggest seaport and second largest town in Bangladesh situated near the Bay of Bengal. It is 264 km away east of Dhaka, famous for hill areas, natural beauty and for the seashore. Chittagong is also known of the town of Aulias (Muslim saints).

[Fay's lake at Chittagong]
Its green hills and forests, its broad sandy beaches and its fine cool climate always attract the holiday-markers. Described by the Chinese traveler poet, Huen Tsang (7th century A.D) as "a sleeping beauty emerging from mists and water" and given the title of "Porto Grande" by the 16th century Portuguese seafarers.

Chittagong combines remains true to both the descriptions even today. It combines the busy hum of an active seaport with the shooting quiet of a charming hill town.

The Shahi Jama-e-Masjid and Qadam Mubarak Mosque are two of the most impressive buildings in the city. It is also worth visiting the Ethnological Museum in the Modern City, which has interesting displays on Bangladesh's tribal peoples. There are good views and cooling breezes from Fairy Hill in the British City in the northwestern sector of the city.
Chittagong is the country's chief port and is the main site for the establishment of heavy, medium and light industries. Bangladesh's only steel mill and oil refinery are also located in Chittagong.

Main Tourist Spots in Chittagong Division :

Inside Chittagong City: War Cemetery - Zia memorial Museum - Ethnological Museum - Court Building Museum - Shrine's - Fays Lake - Patenga & Fouzdarhat - Port Area

Outside Chittagong City: Sitakundu - Parki Beach - Chandraghona - Cox's Bazar - Himchori & Inani Beach - Moheshkhali Island - Sonadia Island - St. Martins Island - Nijhum Island - Aggameda Khyang - Ramu - Teknaf - Comilla - BARD - Lalmai & Moinamoti - Hill tracks >> Rangamati - Khagrachari - Bandarban